Monday, May 27, 2013

Build Momentum by Leaning Into It

Here is another great article by Jack Canfield.  You can overcome your fears slowly. No goal is achievable. Read on and enjoy. 
Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul® and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at:
One of the common ways we block success is by refusing to take action on a project or opportunity until we can see the entire pathway from start to finish. We are afraid to start, because the outcome is uncertain. While we plan, think, research, and analyze, the opportunity slips away.
Highly successful people take a different approach. They just lean into it – they open themselves to opportunities and become willing to do what it takes to pursue opportunities further – without any expectations. They say “yes” to opportunities, take the first step … and then find out along the way if they want to keep going.

Stop Worrying About the “How”

 When we are presented with opportunities or envision big goals, one question that stops us dead in our tracks is “But how will I do it?”  Even if we can picture the goal and get excited about the end result, our minds quickly start doubting our ability to turn our dreams into reality.
For example, you may picture yourself as a best-selling author, but then a little voice in your head reminds you that you don’t know the first thing about writing a book, that odds are stacked against you getting a publishing contract, that you have never marketed a book before, and dozens of other pieces of proof that you don’t know how to achieve your goal.
The beauty of just leaning into it is that it creates momentum. Taking even one step forward broadcasts your intent to the world. The universe responds by sending the opportunities, resources and people who can help you just at the right time for you to benefit the most from them.
Just leaning into it becomes a process of co-creating with the universe. Become willing to explore the unknown, and trust that the answers and resources you need will appear. All you need to do is keep taking the logical next steps. The journey will take you where you want to go … or even someplace better.

Roadblocks or Redirection?

In The Success Principles, I share the story of a singer named Jana Stanfield. After several years working in Nashville, Tennessee, to pursue her dream of becoming a songwriter and recording artist, she concluded that trying to get a record deal was like pounding her head against a wall. She could try forever without any guarantee of success.
What Jana later realized is that when you lean into it, roadblocks are put into your path to force you onto a different path – a path that may be truer to your real purpose. She learned that even when you can’t move forward, you can turn right or left, but you have to keep moving.
By continuing to take the next logical steps, Jana found herself singing at churches. Responding to audiences’ requests for her songs on a CD, she hired an engineer to record 10 of her songs. The first time she offered her songs for sale after a church service, she made more money than she had earned that entire week in her job. She was fulfilling her purpose in her own unique way.
Today, her company produces more than 50 motivational concerts each year around the world. She started her own recording company, and her songs have been recorded by singers such as Reba McEntire and Andy Williams, as well as featured on Oprah, 20/20 and Entertainment Tonight.

Feel the Fear, but Act Anyway

As you move forward, you will have to confront your fears. Fear is natural. Most people let fear stop them from taking the necessary steps to achieve their dreams. Successful people, on the other hand, feel the fear but don’t let it stop them.
Some people will do anything to avoid feeling fear. It’s understandable – fear is uncomfortable. But most of the good stuff in life requires taking a risk, and the truth is that taking a risk means that it might not work out.
Successful people are willing to take a leap of faith, even if they are afraid. They know that if you don’t act, opportunity will pass you by. As former attorney general and U.S. senator Robert F. Kennedy once said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”   I also truly believe that if a goal isn’t a little bit scary, or if it doesn't create a bit of fear within you, it’s probably not worth doing.  So many people stop because “they are scared.” I say, feel that feeling, and get excited because feeling that fear means you are on to something good!
Look at your list of goals for 2013. Which have you been ignoring because you fear the risk you’ll have to take to make that dream come true? Which have you been ignoring because you simply don’t know where to start? As you consider these goals, ask yourself what you can do to simply lean into it – what are the logical first steps that you can take to begin exploring making these dreams a reality? Acknowledge your fear, and lean into it anyway.Small steps will help to build confidence and dissipate your fear, while also creating momentum to attract the resources you need to achieve your biggest goals.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Money Flows to Value: 5 Ideas for Generating Extra Income

Note: This is an article which I loved a lot. It is not my creation but by Jack Canfield. If you are reading this, you know him already. 
There are really only two ways to end up with more money. You can either spend less, or you can make more. Personally, I’m a fan of making more. I would rather make more and have more money to spend than always be denying myself things I want.
In our lifetime many of us have been confronted head-on with having to figure out a way to spend less money. In school you learn how to set and live off budgets. You think about what you can cut out here, what you can cut back on there, and you’re constantly focusing on what you have to “get rid of.”
But what if you thought about money differently? What if instead of focusing on how to cut back, you focused on how to make more? There are many possibilities to do so.
The first step in making more money is to decide how much more you want to make.  Once you have decided how much more you want to make, ask yourself “What product, service, or additional value can I deliver to generate more money?” What does the world, your employer, your community, fellow business people, fellow students, or your customers need that you could provide? Once you’ve identified that, it’s time to develop and deliver that product, service, or extra value.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Money Idea #1: Become an Intrapreneur
Today, many of America’s biggest and smartest companies are cultivating entrepreneurship amongst their employees and executives. Companies such as Google, encourage their employees to spend up to 20% of their work week to pursue projects of their choice. They are encouraged to “think outside the box” and come up with new ideas and innovations.  Intrapreneurs are the ones who created the Post-It note for 3M, the Java programming language for Sun Microsystems, and even Yahoo's Search offering.
Does your company have customers it isn’t selling additional goods to? Maybe there’s a piece of machinery, a vendor relationship, or an overlooked marketing idea, or other unusual assets that your employer isn’t taking full advantage of. Can you create a plan to turn this asset into cash? Approach your employer with a proposal to work on the asset-maximizing project off-hours for extra pay. This could even garner you a well-deserved promotion.
Money Idea #2: Find a Need and Fill it
Many of the most successful people throughout history have identified a need in the marketplace and provided a solution for it. If you want to earn more money – either with your own business or in addition to your job – identify a need that isn’t being met and determine how to meet it.
Have you seen ABC’s hit show The Shark Tank?  A panel of five investors listen to pitches for some of the best business and product ideas from some of America's brightest entrepreneurs - from stay-at-home moms and dads, to students, to people who are simply wanting to be their own boss – they bring brilliant ideas in a wide range of areas including children's products, music, sports, automotive, and even the nightclub scene. Though some of the ideas are kooky (hey, it is television, afterall!) there are also a handful of brilliant ideas coming from people who have simply found a need and filled it.
On a recent episode, two ambitious college students created a successful “coffee of the month” business. They realized there was a market for people looking to sample coffee from around the word, and they capitalized on that using a subscription-based model.  They found a need and filled it. They received the needed capital to start their company with a successful Kicktarter Campaign and they have now solidified themselves as coffee connoisseurs with a taste for unique blends found all around the world. Their company is basically a “wine of the month” club for coffee lovers.  
There are always needs you can find to create a business or service around you. Many of these former “met needs” are inventions and services we now take for granted. But the fact remains that people discovered something they needed in their own life, or stumbled on the needs of others, then created the gadgets and services we enjoy today.
Money Idea #3: Think Outside the Box
When Dave Liniger, founder and CEO of RE/MAX , was a successful young real estate agent, like everyone else, he grumbled about paying 50% of his commissions to the broker whose office he worked in.  Experienced and an out-of-the-box thinker be began to look for a better way to sell homes and keep more of what he earned at the same time. He could have rented a desk in an office building for $500 a month, but that didn’t offer outstanding management, a large brand name, lots of offices, or the ability to share expenses across thousands of agents. He thought, why not create a hybrid? A firm that offers more independence to agents, that lets them keep more than 50% of their sales commissions, but still provides more support than going at it along. And from that, RE/MAX was born and is now one of the largest network of real estate agents in the world.
Because Liniger’s out-of-the-box idea was backed up with hard work, perseverance, and passion…and because it met a need for thousands of real estate agents, this dream has grown into a billion-dollar-a-year business.
How far might you go if you were willing to do some out-of-the-box thinking?
Money Idea #4: Start a Business on the Internet
Today, an internet business is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get started – even while keeping your current job. You can find a need and fill it for a very narrow market, yet still reach thousands, or even millions, of people with that interest across the world.
If you are creative and artsy, is a fast-growing e-commerce website where people can sell photography, artwork, jewelry, quilts, knick-knacks, and toys to people all across the world.
If you have great information to share with others, you can sell e-books, audio files, training materials, how-to courses, and other informational products online easily, without needing to ship a single box. Website platforms like make it easy to have a website up and running in no time.
If you have clothing or items around the house that you are no longer using, start a small business and sell them through Of if you enjoy bargain shopping, I know a woman who made her entire living off of purchasing children’s clothing and toys from discount stores and selling them on eBay to make a profit.
You don’t need to have a big marketing machine behind you either to successfully sell through the internet. Hundreds of websites, blogs, newsletters and clubs already have visitors, subscribers and members who could be perfect prospective customers for you. Talk to the site or blog owners and offer them a percentage of anything you sell to their readers or members.   This then becomes a win-win for everyone involved.
Money Idea #5: Join a Network Marketing Company
There are more than 1,000 companies who sell their products and services through network marketing and direct sales – certainly one or more you can get passionate about. From health and nutritional products, to cosmetics, cookware, toys, educational materials, and phone services – there is something for everyone! I've been a consumer, representative and trainer to many great companies who not only have amazing products to offer, great compensation plans and com training and educational programs to support you - there is unlimited opportunity for growth and compensation. Truly, the skies the limit!
Find a company that has been around for a while and has a good reputation. Try the products and make sure you love them. If you are passionate about the products and passionate about the people, you can make a lot of money through the leverage that building a downline provides you.
Check out sites like or for a variety of  opportunities.
Just remember, wherever you decide to put your energies, the key is to become more valuable to your current employer, customer, or clients. You can do this by getting better at solving their problems, delivering products, and adding services that they want and need.
Make it a part of your vision and your goals, visualize and affirm that you are making more money from your ideas by providing value to others. Start reading books and articles about it and talking with your friends about it. You will start attracting all kinds of opportunities and ideas. Then just act on the ones that feel most right for you.

Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul® and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at:

Meditation Part 2

Hi again. This is the second part of the meditation series I was dying to write about. I had been too busy with my daily routine and work that could not spare time but now you will get an idea of how to meditate. If you want, you can read my previous post on what is meditation and why do we need to meditate. 
Again, it is important to know how to meditate. There are various meditation techniques- Guided and self. Guided meditation is where you can get help of audios, videos or a regular teacher who can guide you through the meditation process. I suggest finding a good teacher is the best way to get deep into meditation, than audios/videos. Nobody can beat one-one teaching. If you cannot find a good teacher, self- meditation can be done and is easy.

We have mind. There is a conscious and a sub-conscious mind. Joseph Murphy, in his book "The power of your subconscious mind" explains that there are no two minds, they are just two spheres of activities within one mind. All our decisions are made from our conscious mind. The involuntary processes of the body like breathing, heart beat and brain functioning are carried by subconscious mind. Subconscious mind never argues or suggests if anything is good or bad. It just accepts whatever it is fed- good or bad. Meditation aims at training the subconscious mind.

How to meditate?

Find a place where  you would not be disturbed by anybody. If possible put your cellphones on silent, better switch them off. Turn off the TV, radio or anything that may distract you.
1.       Sit in a position that you are comfortable with. It is not that you have to be in a Yogic position or upside down to meditate. Choose a position that is comfortable to you. Don't lie down else you may fall asleep.
2.       Now, start breathing. Don't breathe deliberately. Let your body calm and let it come by itself. Allow the body to breathe naturally. Pay attention as you breathe in and breathe out. Don't allow your mind to enter into any sort of argument. Just allow it to concentrate on the breathing process.
3.       In some time you will find that you were breathing longer, then short and finally when you are in a deep level, you get the feeling that the body is not breathing at all. (No need to panic!) You are still breathing. Now is the time to feel each and every part of  your body. Feel your head, hairs, eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, chin, nose, throat. Feel each part. Tense  your muscles and then relieve them. 
4.       Feel your shoulders, chest, abdomen, stomach, waist. Feel the cloth on your body. Tense these muscles and release them. Feel your thighs, feet and toes. Your body should be more relaxed now. 
5.       A better way of relaxing your body would be visualizing your  body to be a bag of sand and then feel the sand being released out of each and every part of  the bag(your body). You will feel a lot lighter. 
6.       Don't let the noise outside interrupt you, acknowledge  your surrounding and accept it. The noise will no longer  bother you. 
7.       Move deeper and deeper. Visualize yourself going down a tunnel in the dark. Feel safe as  you are only going deep levels of your mind. As you go deeper and deeper, your brain wave frequency will slow down from Beta to Alpha. With a good practice,  you can get to Theta levels of brain.
Even though you do not get this in your first attempt, don't panic. Practice makes a man perfect. With a daily practice,  you will improve. If at the first time, you do not get into Alpha level, still you will find your mind relaxed.

How much should you meditate?

 There is no hard and fast rule that you need to meditate a certain number of hours or minutes. It is as per how good you feel and till  you are relaxed. Prolonged meditation can get you into a state of deep sleep. 
It is said that we can start meditating from the age of 5 years onward.  You can meditate for a time that equals to your age. Say, 10 minutes for a 10  year old and 30 minutes for a 30 year old. But still, as I said, it is up to you. It is You who has to decide how to get it to work and how good you are feeling doing this. 

Feel Good!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Meditation Part 1

We all require energy to do our daily work. When we sleep, we gain this energy with which we can perform our daily activities. But we get tired after some time. Mediation is the way to gain this energy which will keep us going.

Brain has a frequency:

We live in a world today with lots of chaos, news of war, terrorism, pollution, global warming and this causes stress.  It has been scientifically proven that our brain vibrates in accordance with the Universe.  Did you know that we have different brain wave frequencies? That is true. It is measured in cycles per second. It can be measured just like our heartbeats. Brain waves can be measured by EEG (Electroencephalography).

1.     Beta (>12 Hz): It is the normal body/brain functioning when we perform our daily activities.  It causes stress problems if we are continually in this state without sleep or relaxed mind for long.
2.     Alpha (7-12 Hz):  It is the relaxation wave where the brain is relaxed but alert.
3.     Theta (4-7 Hz):  When we are in a light sleep mode or in a very deep meditative state, the brain is in Theta.  It is what you may have heard of (Rapid Eye Movement REM) sleep mode. But that is a topic which can create a new discussion here.
4.     Delta (0.5-Hz):  You may have heard that when you sleep very deeply, you don’t have dreams. This is Delta state. It is known for deep healing processes. Also, at least for a few hours in the sleep process, the brain is in this state so that you get a good sleep.

When we stay in Beta state for long, we tend to get stressed. We are unable to cope up with our daily activities. Just imagine not having a good sleep one night and, note your behavior the next day.  Alpha state is known to be a most relaxed state where you can be in touch with your sub-conscious mind to manifest your desires. Mostly around 7.8 Hz, it is a frequency where brain resonates with the Universe. Universe is known to resonate at this frequency. Thus, in Alpha means being at par with the Universe and hence, quick manifestation. Dr. Jose Silva designed the Silva method which helps people to get to Alpha state of mind in minutes.
Silva method explains about meditation, Dynamic meditation, improving memory and learning, creative sleep, the power of imagination and even ESP (extrasensory perception).

The Earth’s Frequency and our Brain.

In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate with greater amplitude at some frequencies than at others.  In 1950s, Professor Dr. W. O. Schumann of Munich University discovered what we know now as Schumann’s resonance. The Schumann Resonance is the name of the resonance frequency between the Earth's crust and the ionosphere. The primary (strongest) Schumann frequency is 7.83 Hz. Amazing! It corresponds to Alpha waves.

Why do we need meditation?

Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig referred to an experiment (probably conducted by Professor Waver). He took some volunteers, all young and healthy, and asked them to live in underground bunkers for 3-4 weeks in a sealed environment with no exposure to Schumann’s resonance (Earth’s/Universe frequency). They all suffered emotional breakdown, depression and headache like symptoms. After exposure to 7.8 Hz frequency, their health stabilized again.  This explains us how important it is for us to be in Alpha level of mind or in a state of meditation.

In a modern day urban world, we are surrounded by noise pollution all around. All around us are waves with various frequencies- cellphone towers, radio waves, electro-magnetic waves which dramatically increase our brain frequency to a very high level that causes stress, depression, insomnia and much other illness. It is very important for us to meditate and get back to Alpha or Theta level by meditating. Once you resonate with the Earth’s frequency (7.8 Hz), you are in sync with the Nature and hence all types of illness will disappear.

I will discuss how to meditate in my next part…

Law of Attraction

Here is a demonstration: Open in your web browser. Type in the box “the most powerful law in the universe” Look at the results that you get. Almost all of them will point to only one law- “Law of Attraction”.

In Science, there are various laws that are being studied by students around the globe, but the Law of Attraction is the most powerful among all. The most unusual truth is that this law is not taught in Schools/textbooks along with the other Laws of Science. (No Idea why?) This is not a new concept but long time ago around 4000-5000 years back people had been using it to attract wealth, health, prosperity and everything they want in life. The law turned out to be a Secret as a very few people knew about this. They concealed this Secret from the others for unknown reasons.  The world should really appreciate the work of Rhonda Byrne who came up with her bestseller- “The Secret” and the movie with the same name, which swept as a huge hit across the globe. People who had no idea of this law came to know about this. I was one of these people who came across this Secret that changed my life altogether.

If you think, you don’t have enough money, good health or things that you have ever wanted in life, it is not because these are not here. The only reason is that you have not attracted it. The first time I came across this law, I ignored it and let it go as any other law of science. But this is a law of Life and I had to learn it. One good day, I came across a forum where people had been using this law and getting all they wanted in life.  I spent all my time searching about it. I was amazed! I got around millions of pages(though I read a few), where this law had been explained. I joined one of these forums and saw people using this Secret with each breath of theirs. I started researching and came across some very good books which explain this Law:

·         The Science of Getting Rich.

·         Science of Being Well.

·         Think and Grow Rich.

·         The Alchemist.

·         LOA- Book.

·         The Greatest Secret.

·         Your Invisible Power.

·         As a man thinketh.

·         Game of Life.

·         ………………

·         ……………..

·         ……… and the list goes on.

The Law Simply states that what you think in your mind, you can physically experience it. All the greatest inventions are a result of this Law of Attraction. If someone had not thought of any particular invention in mind, he would not have been able to see it physically before him. Knowingly or unknowingly, we use this law in our day-to-day lives. If you are not getting anything in your life, or getting negative results of what you think, it is not your fault. It is just that you need to know how to use this Law properly.

The result is that after applying this law, I don’t think I will ever face any financial crisis or health issues. I will keep on writing about how to use this law to attract wealth.

Getting rich is not fate but pure Science

Earlier I used to think that getting rich was just a matter of fate. The truth is that if you want to get rich, you need to learn a Science- Science of getting Rich. It is as good as any other science that we study/use in our daily activities. I came to know once I read the book- The Science of getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. It is a very nice creation. I would recommend you to read that.

If you don’t have the time to read this book, I will brief it out here.

If you do not believe, start believing that “Thoughts create Things”. Yes, this is true. There is a thinking SUBSTANCE from which all things are made. For example, God thought of this Universe and you can see the creation (though it took many years). Being a human being, you have the power of God. You can think and create. Believe me, this is true and many people who know this have implemented this and gained riches, including me.

Why am I sharing it with you?

It is known that the Secret of riches and the Law of Attraction is a concept which is known to be around 5000 years old. But it was hidden by people and they used it to get themselves rich and did not share it with people. I want it to share with you because it is a benefit to mankind and using this one can get anything- Money, health, friends, grades in exams, life partners and much more that one can think of.

Why to get rich?

This is an absurd question but there are people who think about and prefer spirituality over materialistic things in life. It is for them that you cannot live completely in soul and mind if you do not have riches. God created this Universe and Man. There was nothing called poverty but it is only Human being’s thoughts that poverty happened to them. If you think about scarcity, you will get scarcity. If you think about poverty, you will get poor. God never wants Human beings to be poor. There are enough resources in this World. We are limited to what our eyes see. This is why we see scarcity.

If you are rich, you can help yourself, your family, and society. You would not wait for or beg for things from others. If all the people around the world get rich, why would there be corruption, scandals, and wars. Poverty drives Human being to do things that are not good for humanity and God too never wants this to happen.

The thought of scarcity is the root of all evils. Terrorism, wars, corruption and the list is endless. Why would a person who is rich-in material, physically (health), mentally and spiritually- cause these evil? This is why getting rich is not just a reason to benefit yourself but the entire mankind.