Sunday, May 12, 2013

Meditation Part 1

We all require energy to do our daily work. When we sleep, we gain this energy with which we can perform our daily activities. But we get tired after some time. Mediation is the way to gain this energy which will keep us going.

Brain has a frequency:

We live in a world today with lots of chaos, news of war, terrorism, pollution, global warming and this causes stress.  It has been scientifically proven that our brain vibrates in accordance with the Universe.  Did you know that we have different brain wave frequencies? That is true. It is measured in cycles per second. It can be measured just like our heartbeats. Brain waves can be measured by EEG (Electroencephalography).

1.     Beta (>12 Hz): It is the normal body/brain functioning when we perform our daily activities.  It causes stress problems if we are continually in this state without sleep or relaxed mind for long.
2.     Alpha (7-12 Hz):  It is the relaxation wave where the brain is relaxed but alert.
3.     Theta (4-7 Hz):  When we are in a light sleep mode or in a very deep meditative state, the brain is in Theta.  It is what you may have heard of (Rapid Eye Movement REM) sleep mode. But that is a topic which can create a new discussion here.
4.     Delta (0.5-Hz):  You may have heard that when you sleep very deeply, you don’t have dreams. This is Delta state. It is known for deep healing processes. Also, at least for a few hours in the sleep process, the brain is in this state so that you get a good sleep.

When we stay in Beta state for long, we tend to get stressed. We are unable to cope up with our daily activities. Just imagine not having a good sleep one night and, note your behavior the next day.  Alpha state is known to be a most relaxed state where you can be in touch with your sub-conscious mind to manifest your desires. Mostly around 7.8 Hz, it is a frequency where brain resonates with the Universe. Universe is known to resonate at this frequency. Thus, in Alpha means being at par with the Universe and hence, quick manifestation. Dr. Jose Silva designed the Silva method which helps people to get to Alpha state of mind in minutes.
Silva method explains about meditation, Dynamic meditation, improving memory and learning, creative sleep, the power of imagination and even ESP (extrasensory perception).

The Earth’s Frequency and our Brain.

In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate with greater amplitude at some frequencies than at others.  In 1950s, Professor Dr. W. O. Schumann of Munich University discovered what we know now as Schumann’s resonance. The Schumann Resonance is the name of the resonance frequency between the Earth's crust and the ionosphere. The primary (strongest) Schumann frequency is 7.83 Hz. Amazing! It corresponds to Alpha waves.

Why do we need meditation?

Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig referred to an experiment (probably conducted by Professor Waver). He took some volunteers, all young and healthy, and asked them to live in underground bunkers for 3-4 weeks in a sealed environment with no exposure to Schumann’s resonance (Earth’s/Universe frequency). They all suffered emotional breakdown, depression and headache like symptoms. After exposure to 7.8 Hz frequency, their health stabilized again.  This explains us how important it is for us to be in Alpha level of mind or in a state of meditation.

In a modern day urban world, we are surrounded by noise pollution all around. All around us are waves with various frequencies- cellphone towers, radio waves, electro-magnetic waves which dramatically increase our brain frequency to a very high level that causes stress, depression, insomnia and much other illness. It is very important for us to meditate and get back to Alpha or Theta level by meditating. Once you resonate with the Earth’s frequency (7.8 Hz), you are in sync with the Nature and hence all types of illness will disappear.

I will discuss how to meditate in my next part…

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