Sunday, May 12, 2013

Law of Attraction

Here is a demonstration: Open in your web browser. Type in the box “the most powerful law in the universe” Look at the results that you get. Almost all of them will point to only one law- “Law of Attraction”.

In Science, there are various laws that are being studied by students around the globe, but the Law of Attraction is the most powerful among all. The most unusual truth is that this law is not taught in Schools/textbooks along with the other Laws of Science. (No Idea why?) This is not a new concept but long time ago around 4000-5000 years back people had been using it to attract wealth, health, prosperity and everything they want in life. The law turned out to be a Secret as a very few people knew about this. They concealed this Secret from the others for unknown reasons.  The world should really appreciate the work of Rhonda Byrne who came up with her bestseller- “The Secret” and the movie with the same name, which swept as a huge hit across the globe. People who had no idea of this law came to know about this. I was one of these people who came across this Secret that changed my life altogether.

If you think, you don’t have enough money, good health or things that you have ever wanted in life, it is not because these are not here. The only reason is that you have not attracted it. The first time I came across this law, I ignored it and let it go as any other law of science. But this is a law of Life and I had to learn it. One good day, I came across a forum where people had been using this law and getting all they wanted in life.  I spent all my time searching about it. I was amazed! I got around millions of pages(though I read a few), where this law had been explained. I joined one of these forums and saw people using this Secret with each breath of theirs. I started researching and came across some very good books which explain this Law:

·         The Science of Getting Rich.

·         Science of Being Well.

·         Think and Grow Rich.

·         The Alchemist.

·         LOA- Book.

·         The Greatest Secret.

·         Your Invisible Power.

·         As a man thinketh.

·         Game of Life.

·         ………………

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·         ……… and the list goes on.

The Law Simply states that what you think in your mind, you can physically experience it. All the greatest inventions are a result of this Law of Attraction. If someone had not thought of any particular invention in mind, he would not have been able to see it physically before him. Knowingly or unknowingly, we use this law in our day-to-day lives. If you are not getting anything in your life, or getting negative results of what you think, it is not your fault. It is just that you need to know how to use this Law properly.

The result is that after applying this law, I don’t think I will ever face any financial crisis or health issues. I will keep on writing about how to use this law to attract wealth.

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