Saturday, May 18, 2013

Meditation Part 2

Hi again. This is the second part of the meditation series I was dying to write about. I had been too busy with my daily routine and work that could not spare time but now you will get an idea of how to meditate. If you want, you can read my previous post on what is meditation and why do we need to meditate. 
Again, it is important to know how to meditate. There are various meditation techniques- Guided and self. Guided meditation is where you can get help of audios, videos or a regular teacher who can guide you through the meditation process. I suggest finding a good teacher is the best way to get deep into meditation, than audios/videos. Nobody can beat one-one teaching. If you cannot find a good teacher, self- meditation can be done and is easy.

We have mind. There is a conscious and a sub-conscious mind. Joseph Murphy, in his book "The power of your subconscious mind" explains that there are no two minds, they are just two spheres of activities within one mind. All our decisions are made from our conscious mind. The involuntary processes of the body like breathing, heart beat and brain functioning are carried by subconscious mind. Subconscious mind never argues or suggests if anything is good or bad. It just accepts whatever it is fed- good or bad. Meditation aims at training the subconscious mind.

How to meditate?

Find a place where  you would not be disturbed by anybody. If possible put your cellphones on silent, better switch them off. Turn off the TV, radio or anything that may distract you.
1.       Sit in a position that you are comfortable with. It is not that you have to be in a Yogic position or upside down to meditate. Choose a position that is comfortable to you. Don't lie down else you may fall asleep.
2.       Now, start breathing. Don't breathe deliberately. Let your body calm and let it come by itself. Allow the body to breathe naturally. Pay attention as you breathe in and breathe out. Don't allow your mind to enter into any sort of argument. Just allow it to concentrate on the breathing process.
3.       In some time you will find that you were breathing longer, then short and finally when you are in a deep level, you get the feeling that the body is not breathing at all. (No need to panic!) You are still breathing. Now is the time to feel each and every part of  your body. Feel your head, hairs, eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, chin, nose, throat. Feel each part. Tense  your muscles and then relieve them. 
4.       Feel your shoulders, chest, abdomen, stomach, waist. Feel the cloth on your body. Tense these muscles and release them. Feel your thighs, feet and toes. Your body should be more relaxed now. 
5.       A better way of relaxing your body would be visualizing your  body to be a bag of sand and then feel the sand being released out of each and every part of  the bag(your body). You will feel a lot lighter. 
6.       Don't let the noise outside interrupt you, acknowledge  your surrounding and accept it. The noise will no longer  bother you. 
7.       Move deeper and deeper. Visualize yourself going down a tunnel in the dark. Feel safe as  you are only going deep levels of your mind. As you go deeper and deeper, your brain wave frequency will slow down from Beta to Alpha. With a good practice,  you can get to Theta levels of brain.
Even though you do not get this in your first attempt, don't panic. Practice makes a man perfect. With a daily practice,  you will improve. If at the first time, you do not get into Alpha level, still you will find your mind relaxed.

How much should you meditate?

 There is no hard and fast rule that you need to meditate a certain number of hours or minutes. It is as per how good you feel and till  you are relaxed. Prolonged meditation can get you into a state of deep sleep. 
It is said that we can start meditating from the age of 5 years onward.  You can meditate for a time that equals to your age. Say, 10 minutes for a 10  year old and 30 minutes for a 30 year old. But still, as I said, it is up to you. It is You who has to decide how to get it to work and how good you are feeling doing this. 

Feel Good!

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